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Community 'loss' café launches following successful Cwm Taf Morgannwg Pilot

Dealing with loss can have a major impact on a person’s health and wellbeing. During Grief Awareness Week (2-8 December 2022), we’re highlighting how a Cwm Taf Morgannwg Chaplaincy-led project; the first of its kind in Cwm Taf Morgannwg, is supporting people to manage bereavement in creative ways.

On 23 November 2022, the Lighthouse Project in Tonyrefail, RCT, introduced a community support programme called - At a Loss Café.   Whilst the café runs from the Tonyrefail Community Centre, it is available to anyone across Cwm Taf Morgannwg struggling with feelings of bereavement, loss or grief. 

The introduction of the café follows a six-week pilot called ‘Finding Hope within Loss and Bereavement’ - a Health Board collaboration between our Chaplaincy and Improvement CTM teams and our CTM2030 partner - The Lighthouse Community Project.

Carolyn Castle, CTM’s Lead Chaplain said

“During early 2020, our Chaplaincy service began running workshops to support many staff across our Health Board affected by bereavement as a result of COVID.  Having seen the benefit of our programme amongst staff, our ambition was always to take it into the heart of our communities where it could make a further difference to people’s lives. 

“During early 2022, the Health Board began meeting face to face with its communities to discuss CTM2030, Cwm Taf Morgannwg’s working plan towards a new organisational strategy. During the first CTM2030 community event at The Lighthouse Project in March 2022, residents were asked to share any key issues of importance to them; everyday things affecting their overall health and wellbeing.  Coping with bereavement and loss was identified as a key area of community importance.

“Through our CTM2030 partnership with the Lighthouse Project, made possible by the support and enthusiasm of community leader Dawn, plus the excellent support of our Improvement CTM colleagues, we were able to kick-start our community pilot on October 5.”

Wendy Evans, pilot lead from CTM’s Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Department added:

“During each pilot session, we used creative methods to enable participants to share thoughts and feelings about grief, loss and bereavement.  They included creative visualisation, story making, drawing, creative writing and music.

“Over six sessions, we guided participants safely, at their own pace, on a journey of sharing and support. During each session, there was opportunity to reflect on the subjects of grief, death and loss, which can sometimes be difficult to discuss or share in day-to-day life.  We designed a creative booklet as a tool for supporting everyone taking part in the sessions.”

Dawn Parkin, Community Leader for The Lighthouse Project said:

“Bereavement support has always been close to my heart as one of my roles in the British Army was the In-Service Death and Injuries Officer. I was privileged to have journeyed with those who had lost loved ones and / or suffered life changing injuries. To partner with Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB was a no brainer. It fitted part of the vision of The Lighthouse Project and from short survey we carried out with our group members in 2021, this support was absolutely needed.”

“Our loss and bereavement café is open to anyone dealing with loss and you will find a cuppa and warm welcome waiting for you.  Remember, your loss doesn’t have to mean bereavement, it can be any kind of loss you are feeling and perhaps struggling with.”

Further Information

If you would like more information on our CTM programme, contact Wendy Evans.

If you’re struggling and think the Tonyrefail café can help you, it runs every two weeks at the Lighthouse Tonyrefail Centre.

Session Dates and Times:

The Café starts on 23 November, 1.30pm - 3pm

The last session before Christmas will be held on 7 December, same time and will include a Light a Candle in Remembrance Service for those attending.

Café will resume on the 4 January, same time, and will run every other week.


