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Baby in Mind Bridgend delivers at social care awards

A team which gives parents a ‘fighting chance’ of keeping their baby who would otherwise face being taken into care has won a national award for innovation.

Baby in Mind (BIM) Bridgend took home Social Care Wales’ Innovation and Inspiring Ways of Working Award at The Accolades / Y Gwobrau, for its work with at-risk families. The multi-disciplinary team was founded by manager David Wright, who identified the need for specialist provision in the area, and includes a consultant social worker, a specialist health visitor and family support workers providing families with pre and post-birth support.

The aim behind Baby in Mind was to improve short, mid and long-term outcomes and reduce the number of care orders being made in Bridgend. And, thanks to its early intervention provision – which includes breast feeding advice, smoking cessation, baby massage, safety planning and practical help with housing and benefits – it has achieved an 86% success rate of keeping families together. The team is a partnership between Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Bridgend County Borough Council and other health and social care agencies.

David, who attended the online awards earlier this month with consultant Rachel Evans, said: “The recognition of a Social Care Wales Accolade is something that the local authority and the team are hugely proud of. It reflects the hard and challenging work that the team has delivered to our most vulnerable families when intervening in their lives.

“The commitment and dedication given by the team working in partnership with families, social workers and health colleagues has generated such positive outcomes and the Accolade is superb recognition of all their work”.

Specialist health visitor Sarah Terrett added: “We couldn’t be more thrilled about the award! This is a true example of effective multidisciplinary working, resulting in  life-changing opportunities for our families in the community.”

The Accolades recognise, celebrate and share excellent work in social care, early years and childcare, with the Innovation Award given to a team which successfully tries new ways of working. Baby in Mind Bridgend’s pre-birth support includes weekly visits, evidence-based interventions and attendance at baby and parenting groups, while its post-birth work includes flexible daily visits (including weekends), practical and emotional support, a wellbeing group with the health visitor and fortnightly reviews.

Among the feedback from families receiving support BIM are the following comments:

“Without any of the support, I most probably wouldn’t be in the position I am in now and am very grateful. My worker has gone over and above to help me and my son.”

“Support for me, my partner and our daughter, reassuring us that we were going to be OK. Very helpful.”

To find out more about Baby in Mind Bridgend and the awards, watch this YouTube video.


Photo (l-r): 

Family support worker Taryn Davies, consultant social worker Rachel Evans (holding award), family support worker Gemma Bevan and specialist health visitor Sarah Terrett. Also part of the team is family support worker Anna Challenger.