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Advanced practice role helps improve cancer pathways and waiting times for radiology patients

A new advanced practice Radiography Cancer Navigator role in Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB has reduced waiting times and improved cancer pathways for radiology patients – scanning almost 400 more patients in the eight months since it began.

The role was introduced in August 2022 at the Princess of Wales Hospital, thanks to funding by Welsh Government through the Bevan Commission’s Planned Care Innovation Programme. The Radiology Pathway Navigation project aimed to significantly reduce delays between diagnosis and treatment for cancer patients – leading to better outcomes and higher rates of survival.

The Navigator acts as a guide for patients, explaining radiology examinations and procedures, as well as combining several tests into one visit to the Radiology Department. The Navigator is also a crucial link between radiology and the clinical teams, as a point of contact and attendance at multidisciplinary team meetings to escalate patients through the pathway and assist with onward referrals.

Sarah Maund has taken up the new role as Radiology Cancer Navigator and has been instrumental in driving the changes required for significant improvements in the cancer pathways. As lead for the project, Advanced Practice Radiographer Louisa Edwards-Brown has worked with Sarah and the Radiology Modality leads to advance and share the role, encouraging clinical teams to utilise the knowledge and expertise it brings, as well as analysing the impact the role has had.

Initial steps involved changing the referral and authorisation process allowing a quick reduction from five days to one day for urgent suspected cancer referrals. The project concentrated on lung and bowel cancers, with significant improvements made including a reduced waiting time for CT staging scans, following a positive chest x-ray or positive colonoscopy. Work between Sarah and clinical colleagues will continue to introduce a new process of same day staging scans.

As part of Sarah’s clinical input she has utilised every available scanner appointment to bring in and manage her own patient caseload, having scanned an additional 375 patients through August 2022 to March 2023.

As a result of the Navigator role being implemented, twelve and a half hours of radiology staff time per week has been saved

This new role has not only been an exciting new venture for all those involved but has already proved within its first six months, that it is highly regarded and has improved the way Radiology services are delivered for cancer patients in the Bridgend area.

There is further scope to expand the role throughout the Health Board and to potentially build a team of Radiology Navigators throughout Wales.

